Our clinic has a rich history of serving the farmers in Monticello, Iowa and the Jones County area. Today we serve clients not only in Jones County, but we have expanded into Cedar, Delaware, Dubuque, Jackson and Linn counties. Farm calls are available to our large animal clients including:
- Cattle: Beef & Dairy
- Swine
- Equine
- Sheep & Goats
Our clients and patients are extremely important to us at MVC. We pride ourselves in developing a strong relationship and bond. We work hard to find solutions for sick patients and take time to answer questions/concerns of our clients.
At MVC, our goal is to provide you with the medical services you need to maintain a healthy, profitable herd that is as productive as possible; achieving a high productivity, rate of gain and health status. Our vets are skilled and knowledgeable to help improve your productivity. We’re confident you’ll find us to be a valuable resource, and we look forward to working with you.

Our clinic will schedule either a farm call or an office visit. We have portable head chutes to use on the farm. We can also bring farm technicians and assistants to help while on the farm.
We understand that managing a livestock farm is a 24 hour a day job, so we always have an on-call vet available to visit your farm. Our vets are here to meet all of your animals medical and production needs. It’s our goal to keep your animals at their top production level.
- Herd Health & Wellness
- Sick Animal Diagnosis & Treatment
- Nutrition Consultation Including VFD’s
- Health Certificates for Exhibition or Travel
- Pain Management
- Reproduction
- Laboratory Services
Herd Health & Wellness
Our large animal veterinarians are available to help answer herd health questions you may have whether starting a new herd, increasing the size of your herd or management of any new issues. Monthly or yearly health checks are available depending upon your species needs. If there is a question or problem, we do not have an answer for we will do the research or find a specialist to help with your specific situation. Equine clients have the special privilege of having a horse dentist work with us once a month during the months of March – November.
If you do not know much about animal deworming, our vet will guide you through the process. Visit our clinic today to have your farm animals dewormed. De-worming services are essential for removing disease-causing parasites in farm animals.
Wellness visits may also include recommendations on vaccination protocols and administering vaccines as well as recommendations and providing services for dehorning and castrations (all species). Small ruminant hoof trimming is also available as part of this service. We also recently acquired a hoof trimming chute for large cattle. Appointments can be scheduled to do on the farm visits.
Sick Animal Diagnosis & Treatment
On farm and in clinic examinations of farm animals can be done to diagnose disease or mobility issues. Our veterinarians have dealt with several issues in a variety of situations. Some cases include mastitis, milk fever, poor nutrition, obstetrics, lameness, respiratory issues and needing intravenous fluids. We utilize our laboratory for fecal analysis if needed.
Our goal for production animals is to keep them healthy and productive for you to improve your farm operations.
Nutrition Consultation Including VFD’s
Nutrition and understanding how to properly feed your farm animals is a very important aspect of owning and caring for production animals. Our veterinarians can provide insight and resources on how to best provide adequate nutrition for your animals depending on their stage in the production life cycle.
Veterinary Feed Directives can also be written if medication is required for consumption by the production animal. Veterinarians play an important role in animal and human health and their oversight, as an integral part of the VFD process. We help ensure that medically important antimicrobial drugs are used properly in feed diets based on label directions and used only when appropriate for specific animal health needs.
Health Certificates for Exhibition or Travel
Our area serves and supports many 4-H & FFA members and breeders who raise, show and sell animals. Our veterinarians are federally accredited to provide health examinations, certificates, Coggins for traveling to shows/exhibitions, sales, or for interstate movement. Please be prepared with the information on where your animals will be traveling and if there are any specific testing requirements. Our staff will do their best to schedule your health certificate exam in a timely manner but we will rely on the client to provide us with the information with adequate time to do the examination and provide the certificate.
Pain Management
Many times, there are reasons we need to make sure a production animal is provided with pain management whether for a lameness, illness, surgical procedure or end of life care. Every situation will be evaluated on an individual basis and medication prescribed as needed to ensure proper use including following medication label withdrawal times.
We offer many services during the reproduction stages of the farm animals. Our services offered include bull semen testing, pregnancy checking, ultra-sounding, delivery and caesarian sections.
For our equine clients we offer castrations, Artificial Inseminations and ultrasound pregnancy exams.
Laboratory Services
With the ability to draw blood at the farm and process at the clinic we have the capacity to have most test results back the next day making diagnosis and treatment efficient when time is critical.